Points of Sales
In order to provide an agile response and to be in permanent contact with the market, we have a wide commercial network with great product knowledge and extensive experience in the sector, trained to identify your need or query and provide you with the appropriate response or service according to your case.
If you are an international costumer, do not hesitate to contact our main factory in Epila where our personnel could help you.
Main Factory - Épila
- Phone: (+34) 976 603 369
- Email: comercial@bacolsa.com
- Polígono Valdemuel s/n 50290 Épila. Zaragoza. ESPAÑA
- Telephone attention hours (GMT+ 1hrs): Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Aragón y Navarra
- D.C. Bacolsa
- comercial@bacolsa.com
- 976 603 369
- 660 028 302
- Jose Luis Redondo
- jl_redondo@yahoo.es
- 699 617 117
Ciudad Real
- Juan Antonio Verdejo
- javermaslu@yahoo.es
- 607 922 033
- Julio López
- julio.lopez@bacolsa.com
- (+34) 620 217 528
- Óscar García
- oscar.garcia@bacolsa.com
- (+34) 660 0283 02
- Manuel Valiente
- manuel.valiente@bacolsa.com
- 680 101 083
- Sebastian Pérez
- 649 385 295
- sebastian@paytubi.com
Comunidad Valenciana
- Fernando Navarro
- info@fdonavarro.es
- 963 482 875
- 620 833 839
- Cayetano Ravelo
- fcr501@hotmail.com
- 681 116 951
Castilla y León
- Jose Luis Redondo
- jl_redondo@yahoo.es
- 699 617 117
Granada, Málaga, Almería
- Pilar Sánchez
- pilar.sanchez@bacolsa.com
- 958 457 412
- Francisco Maroto
- francisco.maroto@bacolsa.com
- 677 146 790
- D.C. Bacolsa
- comercial@bacolsa.com
- 976 603 369
- 660 028 302
- Pedro Sanz
- psanz@cgac.es
- 654 194 521
- Jose Luis Redondo
- jl_redondo@yahoo.es
- 699 617 117
Guipúzcoa, Álava
- Jose Mª Benavente
- jm_benavente@hotmail.com
- 607 475 548
- Itsaso Benavente
- itsaso.benanvente@gmail.com
- 633 160 215
Jaén, Cordoba
- Francisco Maroto
- francisco.maroto@bacolsa.com
- 958 457 412
- 677 146 790
- Manuel Guerra
- manuel.guerra.correa@outlook.es
- 607 922 033
Sevilla, Cádiz, Huelva
- Javier de Castro
- castro-castro@hotmail.com
- 652 156 800
Islas Baleares
- Ramón Ríos
- info@brrepresentaciones.es
- 673 739 902
- Samuel Buendía
- samuel@brrepresentaciones.es
- 625 573 916
Do you want to join our team and work in Bacolsa?
If it is so, do not hesitate re reach us with your CV using our contact platform. We are continiously seeking qualified personel all around the globe who wants to take advantage of its abilities
Don’t think twice…COME JOIN US!!!!